So, keeping on my diabetes meds has proven difficult. We don't have insurance on Bill and I. So, whenever I go see the dr, I pay 15.00. This is a fair price I think. They go on a sliding scale, and with Bill collecting unemployment, this is our share. But, it doesn't cover the blood tests I need to make sure the meds are helping or not. That is an additional 100.00, which is more than we have been able to come up with recently.
So, I went to the doctor a few months ago, and got quite the lecture. I tried to explain, but she wouldn't hear it. She said this was more important. Okay, which kid should miss meals so I can have a blood test?? They are already wearing ratty shoes. My boys haven't had their hair cut in months, and it is embarrassing. Where am I going to squeeze money from?? We get free bread on Tuesdays to help.
Now I am low on my meds. I know the doctor will not reup my prescription without the blood work. Now what??
Oh, and to make it worse, we are putting our rent money toward Bill's insurances so that he can go to work and support his family. Keep your fingers crossed that the landlord doesn't pop a cork over it. LOL
What does God say about you?
7 years ago